Mechanically-cracked Kaleh Ghouchi

Kaleh Ghouchi (jumbo) pistachios Mechanically-opened

This product is obtained by breaking the shells of closed shell pistachios. closed shell pistachios are turned into opened pistachios through a mechanical process.

Kaleh Ghouchi (jumbo) pistachios Mechanically-opened are popular for their large size and have a hazelnut-like fruit. This cultivar is resistant to cold as well as water and nutrition shortages and is harvested in August. These pistachios flowers early and are thus more exposed to the late spring frost and its resulting damages. The production volume of this product has gone through a significant increase over the past years despite its ample harvest in the Nough region in Rafsenjan.

Available sizes: 18-20 to 24-26
Packing sizes: 50kg and other packages (per customer’s order)

Kaleh Ghouchi (jumbo) pistachio kernel
Kaleh Ghouchi (jumbo) pistachios closed shell